Thursday, March 17, 2011

Point & Potty

I am not kidding when I say that a few weeks ago Paul & I saw Uli doing a Point & Potty. It looked like this photo of another beautiful pup except that one of his back legs was slightly cocked and he had a ball in his mouth. And he was a little lower to the ground. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen him do.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Not Again!

Puppy Dog, seriously? Another day of post-ball play paw licking and paw lifting. It has been weeks, probably 4 since Uli has been out for a ball session so we decided that since he did so well on Thursday morning's run, we would take him out to play ball today. The vet told me that he would be ok to get out and run as long as he wasn't in hilly/rocky areas. So Thursday's run was all sidewalks and roads. And he didn't have any issues from that excursion. His first run in quite some time. So we decided to take him out to the park to play ball since he hasn't done that in so long and since he loves it so very much. So off we went, Paul picked him up and put him in his truck and he reacted as usual: severely fearful shaking with his tail tucked under. But once we start driving, he settles down and stops shaking. At the park he ran and ran and ran and ran and chased and jumped and caught and returned that ball. We tired him out and then we all came home for waffles. An hour or two after we got home, we noticed that the little fella was holding his paw up and licking and licking it. So we took a close look and saw that his dew claw is red and swollen and it looks infected. We put neosporin on it and wrapped it up and will be taking him to the vet again tomorrow. I have no idea what happened. Could it have been from the ball session? If so, how did it get swollen and red so quickly? And what caused it? His most recent dew claw injury was a sprain or a tendon issue, not an infection. Why is that dew claw so problematic? Poor little fella.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Morning Shadow

This little fella follows me around every step I take every morning Mondays through Fridays. On the weekends, it is a little bit up in the air because Paul doesn't wake up as early as he does during the week when Uli enjoys sleeping until the sun comes up (and so do I). I am lucky enough to be able to work from home and the day starts off with either a run or a walk with my shadow. Then we come home, have breakfast and then it's time to start working. He is a great assistant most of the time. He pretty much sleeps all day long and wakes up from his nap when I get up. Sometimes he follows me around, other times, he just watches me from his napping spot. And by the end of the day when Paul gets home, he becomes Paul's shadow. Funny little fella. He gets SO EXCITED when Paul comes home but that's fair enough, I've had him all to myself all day long.

Photo is from Clipper Beach a few years ago.